Mindful Musings
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A psychoeducational assessment is often performed to evaluate the underlying cognitive processes that impact your child’s functioning in academic settings. The results of this type of evaluation will provide you with information about how your child processes information, approaches problems, and responds to learning demands. There may be many reasons why your child is struggling. As such, these evaluations often also involve a comprehensive inquiry into your child’s functioning across several domains in order to understand not only the cognitive and academic factors but also the psychological, emotional, and behavioral factors that may be inhibiting a child from reaching their full potential.
Typically, a psychoeducational assessment is comprised of multiple components. First, a psychologist will conduct a background review, in which they gather information about your child’s developmental history and functioning at home, at school, and in social situations. This information is gathered through various methods; academic, medical, and mental health records, interviews with you and your child, and completion of standardized questionnaires. Next, the psychologist conducts psychological testing, which involves the administration of standardized, validated psychological tests. The testing battery is tailored to your child’s individual needs but often includes measures of intelligence, academic skills, memory, attention, executive functioning (e.g., organization, inhibition, flexible thinking), language, and emotional/behavioral functioning. Some of these tests are paper-and-pencil measures, while others are computerized. Testing can take anywhere between 2 and 8 hours, depending on the nature of the evaluation. The psychologist then interprets these tests and writes a report. Your child’s test performance is interpreted according to norms, or standards of performance on a particular test established through large surveys of children with similar demographic characteristics, which allows the psychologist to determine whether a child’s performance on a given measure represents a strength or a weakness. Then the child’s test performance is integrated with other information gathered through interviews, record review, and questionnaire responses to develop a comprehensive understanding of the child’s cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning. This understanding leads to a formulation about how your child’s functioning across different domains may be impacting their academic performance. This information is then documented in a detailed report that includes recommendations for interventions at school and at home. Finally, the assessment process culminates in a feedback session, during which parents are provided with a detailed explanation of the results of the assessment. At this time it is also discussed how assessment results can be utilized to inform treatment planning and service provisions. How do I know if my child needs to be tested?Every child’s abilities and needs are different. A few bad grades, some difficulty re-acclimating to in-person learning, or off-handed comments about having trouble paying attention in a certain subject are usually normative and probably do not warrant full-scale testing. However, some signs that your child may benefit from a psychoeducational assessment include:
If your child is showing any of these signs, you should always consult with your pediatrician first. If your pediatrician feels it is necessary, he/she will likely refer you to a psychologist or neuropsychologist who will be helpful in providing you with more information about how your child’s testing needs can best be met. By Jacqueline Howe, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist, Testing Director and Clinical Director at Soffer & Associates Comprehensive Psychological Services Reposted with permssion from WEforum Heal for Life October 2022 How do we define “bullying” when the term seems to be thrown around in so many ways?The definition of bullying is: Unwanted, aggressive behavior involving real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time (Stop Bullying, 2022). Let’s break down the definition to see what bullying might look like and how to recognize it as a parent. Bullying embodies two primary features:
How frequently does bullying occur amongst school-aged youth?
One of the questions I often get from parents who call the practice is, “How do I know if my kid is being bullied?” Your child may not feel comfortable disclosing that he/she is being bullied, potentially for fear of retaliation by peers, or a desire to handle the situation independently. Therefore, along with using the information provided above to determine whether or not your child is being bullied, it is important to pay attention to any changes you observe in your child’s functioning, such as:
Potentially, a more complicated question to address is, “How do I know if my child is being labeled as a bully (and if so, how do I handle it)?” The first thing I like to remind parents is that it doesn’t feel good for a child to behave meanly towards someone else. The more you can empathize with your child, the more effective your conversation with them will be. You will be more likely to get their version of the story and subsequently, have an impact on their behavior change. Many children who are bullied will go on to become bullies themselves as a way to regain control and power in their lives. It is important to recognize that both bullies and those being bullied require intervention and support – and that often these may be the same kids. The first time a concern is expressed, either by your child, another child/parent, or the school, set your parenting expectations and boundaries around behavior without judgment. Validate your child’s feelings without validating the behavior (bullying). Work to understand why your child is behaving this way – determine the function of their behavior and what their purpose is (essentially the “why” behind the bullying). You should also try to determine if your child is being bullied themselves, given the high overlap between victimization and perpetration of bullying, then work with your child/school/etc. to support them in taking responsibility and repairing the harm. As a parent, it is easy to react impulsively in these situations (on either side). Remember to take a breath and try to navigate the situation with your child, instead of for your child. What are the psychological effects of bullying? Children who experience bullying are at increased risk for mental health and behavioral problems, including depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, lower academic achievement, and increased rule-breaking behaviors. One meta-analysis found that children and adolescents who experienced bullying were 2.2 times more likely to have suicidal ideation and 2.6 times more likely to attempt suicide than those not facing bullying. The risk for negative outcomes were higher among those who experienced cyberbullying compared to those who experienced “traditional” bullying (Gini & Espelage, 2014). According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (2019), students who are bullied self-reported that bullying negatively impacts how they feel about themselves (27%), their relationships with family and friends (19%), their schoolwork (19%), and their physical health (14%). Early interventions for bullying are important because studies suggest that long-term psychological effects of bullying persist into adulthood. Those who were victims of bullying between the ages of 9-13 had elevated rates of depression and anxiety between the ages of 19-26 (after controlling for other psychiatric risk factors). Those who were both victims and bullies suffered the most from depression, anxiety, and suicidality in adulthood (Copeland et al., 2013). What can I do? This article may have left you with more questions and concerns than answers. We are all protective of our children; we all want them to be safe. Talking to our kids about their emotional well-being and about being respectful community citizens is the best way to maintain an open dialogue and an honest line of communication. Professionals both within and outside of the school are available for consult when you aren’t sure whether an occurrence qualifies as bullying. These professionals can also help in handling a situation that involves both another parent and/or the school. By Emily Weinberger, M.A. References:
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